Wednesday, 2 January 2013

DOMINION Mandate ...Philippians 2:12-30


God does not save mankind and then leave us where we are. He calls us to work out OUR SALVATION, so that our faith is increasingly demonstrated in our lives. However, God does not command us to work out our salvation and then expect us to make it happen on our own. HE WORKS IN US both to create the desire and to give us the ability to obey Him. [Praise God…]
As we MATURE in our RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST, we shine more and more brightly like STARS in a dark generation. Our behaviour will shine as we learn to serve without grumbling. Our beliefs will stand out as we hold firmly the message of life. Our character will attract positive attention as we learn to rejoice in adversity. Paul identified three areas in the believer’s life where salvation’s effect is to be seen: OUR BEHAVIOUR, OUR BELIEFS, and OUR DISPOSITION!
How are you encouraged to know God works in you both to will and to act according to His good purpose? When you want to illuminate a dark room, you don’t consciously focus on removing the darkness from the room. You simply turn on a light! Friend, you and I need to understand THE POWER of our example TO LIGHT UP THE WORLD! God does not demand from us what He hasn’t deposited in us. He tells us to do a thing because He knows WE CAN DO IT! 
In Scripture, God often demonstrates HIS POWER through people and things the world views as weak and insignificant. Jesus fed a multitude with an unnamed boy’s five loaves and two fishes [see John 6:1-15]. The Master also called attention to the great generosity of a widow who put in two tiny coins in contrast to the rich people who were putting large sums into the treasury [Mark 12:41-44].
Your story is NEXT and SOON, YOU WILL SHARE IT WITH THE WORLD. Believe me; you are significant in GOD’S AGENDA You are the LIGHT OF THE WORLD!

What will you do today to help more people become a shining example of Christian living?

Source: Explore the Bible – Adult Learner Guide [SPRING 2011]

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